Environment configuration reference

The Objects and Objecttypes APIs can be run both as a Docker container or a VPS / dedicated server. It relies on other services, such as database and cache backends, which can be configured through environment variables.

Available environment variables

Required settings

  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: which environment settings to use. Available options:

    • objects.conf.docker or objecttypes.conf.docker

    • objects.conf.dev or objecttypes.conf.dev

    • objects.conf.ci or objecttypes.conf.ci

  • SECRET_KEY: secret key that’s used for certain cryptographic utilities. You should generate one via miniwebtool

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: A comma separated (without spaces!) list of domains that serve the installation. Used to protect against Host header attacks. Defaults to * for the docker environment and defaults to,localhost for the dev environment.

Database settings

  • DB_HOST: Hostname of the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to db for the docker environment, otherwise defaults to localhost.

  • DB_USER: Username of the database user. Defaults to objects or objecttypes,

  • DB_PASSWORD: Password of the database user. Defaults to objects or objecttypes,

  • DB_NAME: Name of the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to objects or objecttypes,

  • DB_PORT: Port number of the database. Defaults to 5432.

Other settings

  • ADMINS: Comma seperated list (without spaces!) of e-mail addresses to sent an email in the case of any errors. Defaults to an empty list.

  • SITE_ID: The database ID of the site object. Defaults to 1.

  • DEBUG: Used for more traceback information on development environment. Various other security settings are derived from this setting! Defaults to True for the dev environment, otherwise defaults to False.

  • IS_HTTPS: Used to construct absolute URLs and controls a variety of security settings. Defaults to the inverse of DEBUG.

  • SUBPATH: If hosted on a subpath, provide the value here. If you provide /gateway, the component assumes its running at the base URL: https://somedomain/gateway/. Defaults to an empty string.

  • SENTRY_DSN: URL of the sentry project to send error reports to. Defaults to an empty string (ie. no monitoring).

  • NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED: indicates whether or not notifications should be sent to the Notificaties API for operations on the Object endpoint. Defaults to True for the dev environment, otherwise defaults to False.

  • TWO_FACTOR_FORCE_OTP_ADMIN: Enforce 2 Factor Authentication in the admin or not. Default True. You’ll probably want to disable this when using OIDC.

  • TWO_FACTOR_PATCH_ADMIN: Whether to use the 2 Factor Authentication login flow for the admin or not. Default True. You’ll probably want to disable this when using OIDC.

Initial superuser creation

A clean installation of Objects API comes without pre-installed or pre-configured admin user by default.

Users of Objects API can opt-in to provision an initial superuser via environment variables. The user will only be created if it doesn’t exist yet.

  • OBJECTS_SUPERUSER_USERNAME: specify the username of the superuser to create. Setting this to a non-empty value will enable the creation of the superuser. Default empty.

  • OBJECTS_SUPERUSER_EMAIL: specify the e-mail address to configure for the superuser. Defaults to admin@admin.org. Only has an effect if OBJECTS_SUPERUSER_USERNAME is set.

  • OBJECTS_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: specify the password for the superuser. Default empty, which means the superuser will be created _without_ password. Only has an effect if OBJECTS_SUPERUSER_USERNAME is set.

Specifying the environment variables

There are two strategies to specify the environment variables:

  • provide them in a .env file

  • start the component processes (with uwsgi/gunicorn/celery) in a process manager that defines the environment variables

Providing a .env file

This is the most simple setup and easiest to debug. The .env file must be at the root of the project - i.e. on the same level as the src directory ( NOT in the src directory).

The syntax is key-value:


Provide the envvars via the process manager

If you use a process manager (such as supervisor/systemd), use their techniques to define the envvars. The component will pick them up out of the box.